The registration for the ICOP2020 virtual conference opened on July 3, 2020.
In order to make the Italian Conference on Photonics 2020 accessible to our entire community, there is no cost to participate as an attendee.
Contributing authors who are making an oral presentation or presenting a poster will pay a EUR 100 presentation fee. Please note that the maximum number of presentations is two for each person.
We hope that this virtual solution and offer of free registration will increase our potential audience and enable you to reach an even broader target.
We highly recommend paying with a credit card payment. You will be automatically redirected to the credit card payment after filling out the registration form and pressing the send button.
However, if your organization does not have a credit card available, please fill the registration form, press the send button, skip the credit card payment procedure and proceed to pay with a bank transfer. Please find the information for making your wire transfer below:
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT)
Bank: Credit Agricole
Conto Tesoreria
Cod ABI: 06230 – CAB: 12700 – CIN: B – C/C: 36171682
IBAN: IT28B0623012700000036171682
Please complete now the registration form.