Dear ICOP2020 community,
The conference ICOP2020, from 8 to 11 September 2020 is over!!
The Organizing Committee thanks all speakers, invited speakers, sponsors, attendees and participants for their active contributions.
The final program, the submitted proceedings, and the slides in memory of Prof. Carlo Somenda, are available.
Please click here for the Extended Paper submission - Deadline moved to October 17, 2020!!
Please click below for the Sponsor Presentations:
Zurich Instruments AG, Comsol Multiphysics
Kind regards
the ICOP2020 Organizing Committee
Plenary, Keynote and invited speakers
Dalma Novak
Octane Wireless, USA
“Evolution of RF over Fiber Technologies”
Alberto Diaspro
Department of Physics, University of Genoa and Nanoscopy, IIT
“Light diversity microscopy. How waves and photons can form bioimages at the nanoscale”
Antonello Cutolo
Università Federico II, Napoli
“Nanophotonics for precision medicine: the hospital in the needle and a new infrastructure”
Andrea Melloni
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
“On the control of reconfigurable photonics integrated circuits”
Sara Paroni
Marelli Automotive Lighting Italiy S.p.A., Tolmezzo, Udine
“Luminance homogeneity evaluation on Automotive Rear Lamps: development and validation of an analytical method based on eye perception”
Alessandro Chiasera
IFN-CNR CSMFO Lab. and FBK Photonics Unit, Trento, Italy
“RF-sputtering fabrication of glass-based systems for flexible photonics”
Antonio Mecozzi
Università dell’Aquila, Italy
“Space-Division Multiplexing in optical fibers: challenges and goals in the framework of FIRST (Fiber-optic Infrastructure for Space-Division multiplexed transmission)”
Jesper Lægsgaard
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
“Simulation of multimode nonlinear fiber optics”
Michalis N. Zervas
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK
“TMI in high power fibre lasers: A perturbation approach”
Giulio Cerullo
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
"Spectroscopy and imaging with an ultra-stable common-path interferometer"
Liam Barry
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
"Optical Frequency Combs for Spectrally Efficient Transmission Systems"
Chiara Perri
Università degli Studi della Campania L. Vanvitelli, Aversa (CE), Italy
"Plasmonic Plastic Optical Fiber Sensors for PFAs detection in water"
Roberta Ramponi
IFN-CNR e Photonics21
"Photonics in view of Horizon Europe"
Franco Cacialli
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom
Near-infrared (NIR) organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) in the “century of phot®onics”
Peter Winzer
“Approaching the Cliff: When Space Switching Replaces Wavelength Switching”
Dragomir Neshev
Australian National University
"Nonlinear frequency conversion in dielectric metasurfaces"
Alexei Nabok
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK
“Development of Novel Photonic Biosensing Technologies”
Annalisa Morea
Nokia Italia, Vimercate (MB), Italy
“SMART-A: an SDN application for reconfiguring optical networks”
Nevin Austin
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
"Photonics and Material History: Insights into our Painted Heritage"